Lernvergnügen für alle! – German classes for all ages
The German School of Atlanta is offering German language classes in a unique and genuinely German environment. Classes are held on 30 Saturdays from September through May, from 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM.
The curricular goal at the German School of Atlanta is the Deutsche Sprachdiplom I & II (DSD).
Our curriculum is based on the German Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). In preparation for the DSD, GSA students are taking the milestones tests Internationale Vergleichsarbeit A1 and A2.
Further, GSA is administering the AATG National German Exams Level 2, 3, and 4.
The curriculum is tailored to the needs and abilities of the students. Our experienced teachers use a variety of teaching methods, age-appropriate materials and engaging activities to make the learning experience interactive and effective.
We believe that our curriculum will provide our students with a strong foundation in German language and culture, and we look forward to welcoming you to the German School of Atlanta.

Classes for Novice Learners
- Listening Comprehension
- Vocabulary acquisition
- Speaking of short phrases everyday situations
- Reading of easy texts
- Basic grammar concepts
- Writing of short sentences
- Age-appropriate activities
Classes for intermediate and advanced students
To grow their language proficiency, students are exposed to:
- Extended audio and viewing material
- More challenging reading material
- Further advanced grammar concepts
- A wider array of vocabulary and phrases to express different tenses, wishes, and future scenarios and possible outcomes in speaking and in written communication
- A scaffolded approach to more detailed writing to further express themselves in spoken in written communication

Co-curricular events
- Experience authentic German traditions and celebrations throughout the year, such as :
- St. Martin
- Lantern Parade
- Christmas Party
- Fasching
- and many more
- Build a school community
- Celebrate German heritage